

Preanesthetic Consultation

Where possible, we encourage a preanesthetic consultation for all pets who are expected to undergo a surgical procedure. The preanesthetic conultation is a complimentary service and is generally performed 1-2 weeks prior to the scheduled surgery. At this visit, pets receive a full physical examiantion and pet owners are given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the nature of the procedure. A treatment plan estimate is also provided so pet owners are aware of the costs associated with the procedure. The preanesthetic consultation is also a good time to perform preanesthetic blood testing, if this option is elected.

Anesthetic Safety

Preanesthetic blood screening is recommended for all pets undergoing surgery, and is mandatory for pets over the age of 7 years. Preanesthetic blood screening allow us to assess kidney and liver function, which will play an important role in the metabolism of anesthetic agents. These tests also assess electrolytes levels for interpretation of hydration status, and hematology which will tell us about inflamatory conditions or possible bleeding disorders. We also encourage IV fluids for all pets during surgical procedures to ensure blood pressure and proper tissue perfusion is maintained.

Surgical Procedure

On the day of the scheduled surgical procedure, every patient once again receives a complete pre-anesthetic physical examination and risk assessment. Anesthetic drug protocols are selected based on a number of factors including patient age, size and pre-existing conditions. During surgery, pets vital signs including heartrate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and core body temperature are closely monitored by a trained veterinary technician. Every step is taken to ensure the procedure is as safe as possible. All pets are recovered from anesthesia in a warm, quiet environment. In addition, pets undergo a post operative pain assessment and are given appropriate medications to help with any discomfort following surgery.

Surgical procedures are generally performed in the morning, and in most cases, pets are discharged to go home with their family at the end of the day. Discharge appointments are scheduled with a veterinary technician who will go over all aspects of home care and recovery in the days following the procedure.